Wednesday, 21 August 2013
Tuesday, 23 July 2013
Friday, 14 June 2013
Stories of the War-wounded and War-disabled in Jordan
Thursday, 28 March 2013
Sunday, 17 March 2013
Rapid Assessments of the Needs of War Victims with Disabilities in Syria

According to a United Nations spokesman, "Every hour people are being
killed, or being maimed and becoming permanently disabled in Syria." So
many horrors are occurring that it is impossible to provide an exact
Saturday, 16 March 2013
National Syrian Project for Prosthetic Limbs
As the ongoing crisis in Syria claims more lives everyday, it
also leaves behind a grim trail of severe injuries and disabilities.
One of the most tragic consequences of the conflict is that it
resulted in a large number of amputees, most of whom are young and
otherwise healthy. Unless these amputees receive the appropriate help,
their disability would have condemned them to a future of dependency,
and inability to support themselves or their families.
A group of Syrian doctors and therapists set out to create an
ambitious project to manufacture and supply prosthetic limbs to Syrians
who have lost limbs, be that as a result of injuries, or due to
illnesses such as diabetes or peripheral vascular disease. The
short-term aim of this project, the National Syrian Project for Prosthetic Limbs,
is to provide prosthetic limbs, free of charge, to 15,000 people, with a
long-term objective to become a permanent facility, providing
artificial limbs manufactured by Syrian workers, from locally purchased
raw materials.
Clearly, such a massive project requires massive resources, both in
terms of finance and expertise. The organizers of this important
projects have enlisted the help of a team of experts and technicians
from Naya Qadam Trust, which was established in the aftermath of the
2005 earthquake in Pakistan. Naya Qadam Trust will provide full
technical and logistical support for the Project, and will carry out
training for Syrian technicians, to enable them to manufacture
artificial limbs, at the rate of 7 to 10 prostheses per day. It is
envisaged that patients will be assessed, enlisted in the physiotherapy
and rehabilitation programme, and have the prosthetic limb fitted, all
within 24 hours in a 0ne-stop operation, all free of charge.
Syria Relief is immensely proud to be a partner in
this magnificent project. We are joining forces with the Syrian British
Medical Society (SBMS), the Syrian Expatriate Medical Association
(SEMA), and the Union of Syrian Medical Relief Societies (OUSSM), to
support the visionary and pioneering project. We are counting on YOUR
For more details, please go to the Project’s Facebook page.
We are delighted to report that the project is now up and running.
To support this magnificent effort, please donate generously.
مشروع الأطراف الصناعية جهد نوعي لتخفيف معاناة السوريين
تعويض كافة الأطراف السفلية المبتورة و تصنيعها محلياً
قام مجموعة من الأطباء السوريين بتأسيس المنظمة الوطنية السورية
لتعويض الأطراف لإقامة مشروع وطني عام وعاجل يقوم بتعويض الأطراف السفلية
المبتورة خلال الثورة السورية .
المشروع يهدف لصناعة تعويضات للأطراف السفلية محلياً و بتكلفة رمزية بهدف استيعاب كل المصابين بشكل عاجل .
المشروع يهدف لصناعة تعويضات للأطراف السفلية محلياً و بتكلفة رمزية بهدف استيعاب كل المصابين بشكل عاجل .
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